Rev. Isaac Andeche Snr: I am humbled and grateful that you’ve taken time to check out our page, thank you so much. Our pride as ANGAZA LIVES KENYA is to partner with YOU and WIN souls, EQUIP, EMPOWER and AWAKEN the body of Christ Jesus for victorious, effective and impactful Christian living. We are all about Kingdom advancement. 1CORINTHIANS: 12:12 & 14: For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 14 For the body does not consist of one member but of many. Our victories lies in  joining our spiritual gifts, calling and ministries together; as we form a formidable army, challenging the saints to take up their divine mandate with zeal and passion in efforts to fulfill their Kingdom assignments. We are committed to offer our missioners satisfactory, memorable and life transforming ministry experiences in Kenya through SOCIAL AID MINISTRIES. Over the years SOCIAL AID MINISTRIES has proved to be one of the very effective evangelistic tools for kingdom advancement, because it gives the missioners the opportunity to practically demonstrate the love of God and ushers the reached into the grace encounter; hence making it easy to relate and accept the call to salvation; KARIBU SANA (welcome) and let us all make a difference in the Body of Jesus Christ.