FREE DENTAL AID: Children and teenagers with teeth discoloration conditions go through a very harsh and cruel treatment from their peers. The teasing, stigma, discrimination, rejection and harassment these kids undergo while in school, affects their emotions leading to depression and isolating themselves from others. This condition has huge negative effects to the teenage girls, because it has immensely contributed to the cases of early pregnancies and dropping out of school out of low self-esteem.

FREE DENTAL AID ministry activities provides Dental Mission Students the platform to practically participate in dental related research, Case Studies and internship activities in Kenya; while engaging their skills and knowledge to address this plight, in efforts to minister to the children and give hope, smile, self-esteem, courage and the passion to pursue their education without fear. This ministry engagement has been very effective in improving the school attendance and readmissions among the teenage school girls, who had been dropped out class having being discouraged and given hope in educational life.