• To WIN souls, EQUIP, EMPOWER and AWAKEN the body of Church of Christ Jesus for a victorious, effective and impactful life; Tent Awakening Revivals, Pastors/Leader’s training, Church planting, Gospel Campaigns, Prophetic Worship Gatherings, among other ministry mission activities.
  • To practically demonstrate and share the love of God to the vulnerable, destitute and less-fortunate orphans and widows through social aid ministries.
  • To provide unmatched Cross-Cultural practical ministry platform, that exposes international missioners to enriching and life transforming mission experiences in Africa, that solidifies Cross-Cultural Competence.


To be God’s most effective weapon of soul-winning in Kenya and Africa at large. Equipping, Empowering and Awakening the church for effective and impactful victorious living; while providing unmatched, enriching and life transforming Cross-Cultural missions’ platform for international missioners.