ANGAZA LIVES KENYA MISSIONS endeavors to EQUIP, EMPOWER and AWAKEN the body of Christ Jesus for the victorious, effective and impactful living. The focus of this program is to spiritually charge the body of Christ through Tent Awakening Revivals, Pastors/Leader’s training, Church planting, Gospel Campaigns, Prophetic Worship Services among other ministry mission activities; challenging the saints to take up their divine mandate with zeal and passion in efforts to fulfill their Kingdom assignments.

This mission program aims to connect missioners to our lifestyles, experiences and vulnerabilities through Social Aid Ministries; whose goal is to improve livelihood of Kenya’s most vulnerable and less-fortunate. ANGAZA LIVES KENYA MISSIONS proffers unmatched, enriching and life transforming Cross-Cultural ministry in Kenya; that gives the missioners the reality to envision ministry beyond the confines of their homes; it helps to transform attitude, perception; initiates character reformation and sharpens the missioner’s Cross-Cultural Competence. The missioners have the freedom to pick from our list whatever Social Aid Ministries they would love to engage in during their missions. Our SOCIAL AID MINISTRIES are listed on the MAIN MENU.