THE WATER AID: Its quite devastating and unbearable to live in an environment that is devoid of accessibility and availability of fresh and clean water; yet this is the harsh reality among our communities in Kenya. One third of the population does NOT have access to drinking water, and nearly two-thirds lack basic sanitation. This is caused majorly by recurrent droughts, poor management of water supply, contamination of the little available water and high population growth. DAILY women and children spend hours walking in search for fresh water. The lack of water has left schools dealing with cases of absenteeism which affected the effectiveness of education offered; while Medical Dispensaries are struggling with poor hygiene and sanitation; which has limited the efficiency of medical services. The inaccessibility of clean water has slowed down the economic growth, education and health sectors in Kenya. 

THE WATER AID ministry activities aims to share and demonstrate the love of Christ Jesus, while increasing the availability and accessibility to fresh and clean WATER by drilling water boreholes in Hospital, Schools and Markets in efforts to improve the effectiveness of services offered by Hospitals, while enhancing school attendance among the girl child and reduce the child mortality rate among the marginalized communities in Kenya.