TOILET-2TOILET HYGIENE AID: Imagine living in a village or a city where there is no toilet or latrine, forcing YOU to relieve yourself in the bush; unfortunately, these are existing scenarios in Kenya. One of the greatest challenge here is open defecation; this practice is the root cause of the annual average of 3,500 cases of cholera child mortality in Kenya. The situation is worse when it rains; both the human and animal waste is swept into inadequate source of water available, which becomes a health hazard. DEFECATION violates both equity and dignity; and very often of safety particularly for women and girl-child. The importance of TOILETS can NOT be ignored; latrines are effective sanitation systems because they isolate human excreta from the surrounding environment and prevent the transmission of Fecal–oral transmitted diseases.


TOILET HYGENE AID ministry activities endeavors to practically expose inhabitants to the unfailing love and sustaining grace of God, that unleashes divine health for our spirit, soul and body. Showing God’s expectation for His children to live long and strong on the earth. This program gives opportunities to the missioners to sensitizing the locals on the catastrophic dangers of defecation in efforts to eliminate the practice and improve health and protect the safety/dignity of life for women and girl-child