THE WHEEL-CHAIR AID: Often times children with limited mobility are sadly excluded from life in their own communities, because they have no way of getting around. A huge number of the disabled children either use crutches or are ferried on luggage trolleys to school. This condition has denied them these children the joy and excitement of life; and slowed down the eagerness for education among the disabled children. You will find them with Dirty Hands and Blisters; daily they have to deal with reckless drivers; crossing the roads endangers their lives on daily basis.

THE WHEEL-CHAIR AID ministries provides life-changing mobility along with the hope of the Gospel to children and persons impacted by disability in Kenya. It has restored the dignity and independence of the disabled. Children with disability have found reasons to attend class. We have witnessed wheelchair recipients found light, freedom, and joy, to know that as human beings, they matter and are loved. This ministry lifts someone from the dirt to a seat of dignity and opportunities. I wonder how you as a missioner would react to the excitement of a person YOU gift a wheelchair.